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The Covens

Empower! Not Devour!

The Online Coven

If you're looking for a unique way to connect with your spiritual practice, join Aurora Moon's LIVE Coven for meditations, spells, readings and rituals. Every Thursday night at 8 PM EST, Aurora and her coven will be hosting a virtual gathering where you can join in on rituals, spells, and other spiritual activities. You'll have the opportunity to learn, grow, and ask questions along the way.

Experience the power of witchcraft with Aurora and her coven today.

The In-Person Coven

Located in Guelph, On. We are a coven stead of witches who meet for local area in-person eclectic empowerment gatherings whereas no ranks exist and each is equal to teach or learn with no initiation process to join.  The only requirement is that each walks at least one path within witchcraft and seeks to connect and support other witches. Meeting places are kept confidential to the group and vary depending on the time of year, celebration, event and/or festival.  Remote access to the gatherings is available upon request.  Each group is lead by a Gesith High Priest(ess) of the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle.  However, all decisions regarding the group's activities and interactions are mutually governed and agreed upon by the Full Moon group's members. Guided initiations into the S.M.C. tradition are explored separate to group gatherings.

Meet The In-Person Coven

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